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Terms & Conditions

Servicing Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast & Beyond

Efficient &


Cost Effective







TERMS AND CONDITIONS These terms and conditions are a legally binding agreement between "BCF Concrete Floors," the contractor, and a person who wants to use the contractor's services (the "Client," as indicated in the initial quote).
You agree to adhere to the following terms, conditions, and payment agreement by electronically accepting this quote, making an electronic bank deposit, or granting the contractor access to begin work.
PAYMENT AGREEMENT 1. Residential and private requirements - 1 a. A 10% deposit is required for bookings made more than three months in advance. Your estimated start date will be secured with this initial payment, weather and prior job completion permitting.
Four weeks before starting, a further 20% progress payment is required.
1 b. A 30% deposit is required for bookings made less than three months in advance. Your estimated start date will be secured with this initial payment, weather and prior job completion permitting.
1c. Upon completion, the balance, including any variations, must be paid in cleared funds within five (5) business days.
2. Requirements for Commercial/Builders: a. A 5% deposit is required before your date can be secured or construction can begin if the contract work is more than $20,000 in value.
The day before polishing or sealing is finished, a further 45 percent advance payment must be paid.
2 b. A 10% deposit is required for contracts worth less than $19,999.
The day before polishing or sealing is finished, a second progress payment equal to fifty percent must be made.
2 c. Following completion, the balance owing—including any variations—must be paid in cleared funds within seven (7) business days.
has specific payment dates, please inform Before beginning work, please inform us if your company has specific payment days. The work will stop and the relationship will end if we need to chase payments for any reason and there is no communication.
Conditions and Terms 3. OWNER:
The client guarantees that they are either the owner of the address listed on the quote or that they are entering into this agreement on the customer's behalf and as the owner's duly authorized agent.
4a. New Constructions: It is always recommended to finish a polished concrete floor after the exterior walls and before installing new kitchens, jip rock, skirting boards, tiles, or paint. Any damage will be the client's or builder's responsibility if our recommendations are not followed.
Renovations: If demolition is required, the polishing process must be completed prior to installing new kitchens, bathrooms, tiles, paint, etc.
After completion, the soaring boards should be removed and replaced.
4 b. To make it easier for the honing, the client will pull back any mulches, plants, decorative rocks, grassy edges, or mulches that might be overlapping the concrete.
4 c. The client is responsible for ensuring that the quoted area and building access are free of obstructions prior to the start date. The job site must have a safe, clear access that is at least two meters wide, and all materials and machinery must be out of the way.
On the final invoice, any time loss will be accounted for and billed accordingly.
4 d. In accordance with clause 12 below, the client agrees to grant the contractor, its employees, and subcontractors permission to enter the property and remove the works.
The client agrees to provide the contractor with access to water and electricity as necessary to carry out the work.

6a. Before polishing or honing can begin, it is necessary to remove all furniture from the work area. Otherwise, the contractor will not be responsible for any damage to these items. See clause 4a) New Construction: In the event that our recommendations are not followed, the client or the builder will be responsible for any damage.
Renovations: When items like fitted kitchen cabinets, showers and bathtubs, toilets, and fitted wardrobes cannot be removed, Our work will be handled with great care by the contractor. Due to the size and power of the machinery and equipment we use, however, the contractor cannot be held liable for minor damage to your property, such as scratches, cracks, or marks.
6b. To shield the polished/burnished concrete surface from damage from other trades, it is strongly suggested that the client or builder use Ram Board or a brand of similar quality. Immediately following the contractor's departure, the building continues at the same time.
Please be aware! - Even if you seal your concrete, red mud and dirt will still stain it!
6 c. The client agrees that the contractor will not be held responsible for any damage to the new concrete surface caused by tenants or other tradespeople. If you don't follow the Aftercare procedures, you'll be charged for any cleaning or repairs you need.
6d. The contractor will not be held responsible for damage to its works caused by animals, other trades, storms, floods, improper use of chemicals, or simply not following the aftercare instructions. This makes it abundantly clear that polished concrete-specific PH-neutral cleaning products should only be utilized.
Feel free to ask or download the aftercare instructions from the contractor's website if you can't locate them.
6 e. Some good all-season tires and high-performance tires may leave black or brown marks on your concrete. when driving causes tires to heat up.
The tyre's plasticisers tend to relax and leak out. The tyre marks that are left on your coatings or concrete are caused by this leaching effect. Additionally, some tire shine products have a propensity to leach onto the surface of your concrete. After driving, you can park your car on the road as an alternative. After letting the tires cool down, move it into your driveway. They won't leave any marks so long as the tires don't get too hot.
Please keep this in mind, particularly if you have white concrete, as the contractor cannot be held financially liable for repairing your surface in the event that this occurs. If you have tires of this kind, don't hesitate to get in touch with the office to talk about other sealing options, like using polyaspartic, to reduce the likelihood of problems like these happening.
7 a. The client consents to being held financially responsible for any unforeseen financial changes to the quotation that may occur during the work, such as variations or inconsistencies in the placement and finish of the concrete, among other things.
Your finished product's desired exposure is greatly influenced by factors like undulations, screed lines, boot prints, steel grids, and machine lines.
When hiring a concrete contractor to pour your concrete slab, exercise extra caution. Choose a reputable concreter who specializes in polished concrete to achieve the finish you want. Please do not hesitate to inquire for additional guidance.
If you haven't already, please ask for our expert Pour Guide, which you can use as a reference or give to your concretor installer.
If your slab was not poured in accordance with national standards, additional products and labor hours may be required to produce a product that you, the customer, are satisfied with, which may result in additional costs. When pouring the concrete slab, the contractor will not be held financially responsible for poor quality.
7 b. Unexpected weather conditions or delays in previous jobs may alter the start date and duration of the work.
Removal of coatings by LIA:
7c. Polished or honed concrete can alter the desired stone exposure if coatings like polyurethanes/epoxies, paint, and so on are removed from the floor. Before and during the processes, each variation will be communicated.
The contractor will do everything in their power to keep the stone exposure the client wants. However, because different methods of machine removal may alter this, it cannot be guaranteed.
7 d. Because of the condition of the concrete after coverings like Covercrete, wet stencil, epoxies, paints, and so on have been removed, additional costs may be added to the final invoice to cover the cost of other products used to fix the unexpected cracks.
If any deviations are found, they will be communicated.
7 e. You will be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that you have been informed of the possibility of "ghosting" and agreeing that we will not be held financially responsible if you decide not to proceed if the client is removing tilles to have the concrete underneath polished.
The term "ghosting" refers to a shadow in the concrete that resembles a grid and is brought about by differences in curing and moisture exposure between the tile-filled gaps and the covered portions of the concrete. These differences may get worse over time as a result of spilled substances or dirty water being pushed down into the concrete from washing the floor.
8a. The Guarantee's Act does not apply if the client acquires or pretends to acquire works for business as defined by the Consumer Guarantees Act or any amendments thereto.
8 b. The parties agree and acknowledge that the client did not disclose to the contractor any specific requirements for the work or desired outcomes in relation to the practices.
9a. The quality and condition of the concrete supplied always determine the finish. In some areas of honed or polished concrete, the contractor is not responsible for any unanticipated discoloration caused by aging, wear and tear, stains from other trades, or the batch of concrete that was poured.
9b. If your concrete was not sufficiently vibrated to eliminate air voids and moisture pockets in places like stairs, pool coping, etc., We will have to patch these areas and match them as closely as we can to each other in color, but they will still be obvious. Due to the defect in the substrate provided, these variations do not alter the client's obligations under this Agreement.
9c. The installation is unique because there may be slight variations in the finish, texture, shading, and scoring depth.
The client's and contractors' responsibilities under this agreement remain unchanged by these modifications.


POLISHED CONCRETE is a specialized, multi-step process in which a concrete floor is mechanically honed and polished with abrasives that are specifically bonded to cut the surface of the concrete. After that, it is refined with each cut to a certain level of appearance, including the level of stone exposure and gloss.
Hardeners/densifiers and grout, two high-quality penetrative chemicals, are also used in the processes. They get into the concrete with these. Using specialized machinery and tools, this causes a chemical reaction that helps the surface harden, fill the pinholes, make cracks look smaller, and keep dust out.
Only use this finish inside.
BURNISHED CONCRETE, also known as "nil exposure," is a finish with a "creamy" lustre in which there is no aggregate exposed.
Your concrete installer will use a helicopter to burnish the concrete until it is blackened with a swirling pattern during the finishing process. Your desired finish must be communicated to them. The first stage of the finish is here.
Before and after the curing and polishing stages, the concrete must be shielded from all stains and rough objects.
A breathable product like Ram Board' is best for this. Stains and marks may be visible because the finish has not been "cut back."

HONE & SEAL The term "honed concrete" refers to a grinding level that produces a matte finish that is even and smooth. An appealing flooring option for your outdoor concrete areas is honed concrete. We will grind to the desired aggregate exposure with specialized diamond tooling. We can then perform a finish known as a "Bush Hammer" after this stage. Due to its improved resistance to slippage, this new finish is rapidly gaining popularity.
After that, a high-quality penetrative sealer is applied.
The result is a durable, non-slip finish (this membrane is not designed for waterproofing).
Due to the fundamental nature of concrete, this finish will have tiny air pockets or pinholes because it is not grouted like polished concrete.

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